Maelea Tan

Sharing legacies to inspire creation...

creating a legacy worth sharing

designer | performer | storyteller

Maelea Tan is a multi-faceted performer known for their vocal strength, versatility, and dedication to excellence; Their small frame houses a big voice and ambitions. Originally from Minnesota, Maelea has now made their home in Chicago, where they pursue both theatrical performance and design. They dedicate their time and craft to storytelling, primarily focusing on stories regarding their own identity as a queer Asian American. Their hope is to create the representation they craved when they were younger–after all, everyone deserves to see themselves in the spotlight. 

Maelea graduated from Northwestern University with a major in theatre, a minor in entrepreneurship, as well as leadership and curious life certificates. They are currently pursuing an Master of Science in Leadership in Creative Enterprises at Northwestern.

Choose your own adventure




“Maelea Tan is an artist through and through”

— Northwestern News Network, 11.21.2023 (14:07)